Muhammad Magawata Oji Weds BIlkisu Sokodobo

By Alfaki Musa

Muhammad Musa Magawata, popularly known as OJI, on Monday in unguwan Kura Lokoja,joined in marriage his long time heartrob,former Mrs Hassana Sokodobo .

The wedding Fatiha which took place at Late Malam Datti mosque, was conducted by khalifa Abdullahi soje Babadoko and was attended by Malam Mamuda Sadauna faila Ibrahimiya,friends and families of the groom.

The sum of N30,000 was paid as dowry by Malam Mamuda Sadauna faila.

Prayers were offered by khalifa Babadoko, Malam Aminu zulaiya,and other Islamic clerics in and outside the state.

Khalifa Babadoko announced that the wedding between Hassana ,now Zainab was sponsored by Malam Mamuda Sadauna faila, he prayed Allah to reward him abundant.

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He said apart from payment of the dowry, Sadauna faila also bought all the foodstuffs and textile materials for the bride and the bride groom.

Highlights of the ceremony includes: Convertion of the bride,Mrs Hassana Sokodobo,from Christianity to Islam which was performed by khalifa Babadoko.

The bride now wish to be known as Malama Bilkisu Muhammed Musa Magawata.

Photos from the event

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