Tribute to Late Admiral Dirisu : A Great Alumnus and Community Leader.

By Col. Samuel Abayomi Dare( RTD)

Admiral DIRISU’s life and times is very instructive and a lesson in history to all- young and old. He came, saw, and conquered. A well decorated Admiral who served his country loyally. He retired honorably and decided to settle down for community service. He took the title of Wali and later on, Makama of Lokoja. He was both a community and religious leader.

We cannot forget Admiral DIRISU’s support for the CMCOSA, especially during our 2020 Mega Reunion in Lokoja. His moral and financial support cannot be overemphasized. He single-handedly helped to restore some sanity in the life of our Alma Mater by fixing the toilet for the students and Youth Corp members. He also connected electricity to the classrooms. He willing helped wherever help was needed. He offered selfless kindness and support to me and the Project Management Committee under the able leadership of Dr DENJA. The success recorded by the PMC no doubt, is a testimony of his mentorship. He visited the school and sometimes lectured the students willingly. He was very passionate about getting science teachers for the school. He was indeed a pillar of support.
I will personally miss Admiral DIRISU. He was a big brother, a senior colleague and a mentor. As an Association, his loss is irreplaceable. But we are consoled and take solace in the fact that he lived a fulfilled life. He has played his own part in the journey of life. He has no doubt left behind, an indelible legacy of kindness. Admiral DIRISU’s name will certainly be written in gold in our books.

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Distinguished colleagues, the journey is very short. No one knows what time we will be called. Let us help humanity be contributing in whatever little ways we can, to make life a better place for all.

I urge you all to please stand up and pay the last respect to this late outstanding Alumnus and a true Ambassador of CMC until death. Adieu Admiral DIRISU aka Snowy!!
Rest In Perfect Peace ✌️Amin.

Col. (Rtd) Samuel Abayomi Dare, is the National President,CMCOSA,he writes from Abuja.

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