United States President, Trump, Paid Someone To Take SAT For Him, Niece Writes In Book

As the book would tell it, Trump, who grew up in New York City, paid someone to take the standardised test for him and got a score that helped him gain admittance to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania as an undergraduate.

President Donald Trump of the United States had someone else take the SAT for him when he was in high school, his niece, Mary Trump, wrote in her forthcoming book, according to Washington Examiner.

As the book would tell it, Trump, who grew up in New York City, paid someone to take the standardised test for him and got a score that helped him gain admittance to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania as an undergraduate.

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In addition, Mary Trump, a licensed clinical psychologist, wrote that the President displays all nine clinical signs for being a narcissist.

“The fact is,” she writes, “Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviours so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neurophysical tests that he’ll never sit for.”

The book, published by Simon and Schuster, is set to go on sale Tuesday, but a legal fight is being waged by the president’s brother, Robert Trump, who argues that the book violates a confidentiality agreement that Mary Trump signed nearly 20 years ago. A temporary restraining order against Simon and Schuster has been lifted, but one remains in place on Mary Trump, barring her from commenting publicly on the matter ahead of a July 10 hearing.

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The book also reveals that Mary Trump was the source of confidential documents disclosed in a New York Times investigation into the family’s “legally dubious” tax schemes in the 1990s.

Last week, the publisher announced that it had already printed 75,000 copies of the book and shipped thousands of them.

Credit: Washington Examiner.

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