Benin – Obajana – Okene – Lokoja – Abaji highway is now unsafe. On that road, Capt Abubakar and 2 other Capts were ambushed on 6th July and he was killed. His young wife (now a widow) was kidnapped along with his mother. They are still with kidnappers as at today 10 July 2020.
On same route, on 9 July 2020, daughter of R Adm Unubi rtd and a seaman (driver) were killed. These incidences uccured around early evening of the stated days.
It is advised that:
a. Motorist plying Benin to Abuja highway tread with care or take alternative route.
b. For Armed Forces and security personnel, driving in uniform is discouraged.
c. Travellers along that route should seek route security information prior to embarking on journey.
d. Judging from previous incidence timings, trips. along that route should be in the morning and not later than 1400hrs.