
I, Alhaji Sanusi Ahmed Bakasonmatsi onbehalf of myself and my entire family,wish to express our profound gratitude to you all for attending the wedding fatiha of my daughter,Malama Aminah Hasana Sanusi and Malam Muhammad Ndafada Kantigi which took place on Saturday 27/6/2020 at Ahmad Bakasonmatsi Mosque, Karaworo Lokoja. Words alone cannot describe the gratitude we…

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Shaba, DLG, Imam,attend wedding of Sunusi’s daughter

Many eminent Nigerians attended the wedding fatiha of the daughter of Assistant Commissioner of Police Sanusi Ahmed Bakasonmatsi which took place on Saturday. The wedding of Malama Aminah Hassana Sanusi and Malam Muhammad Ndafada Kantigi took place at Ahmad Bakasonmatsi Mosque, Karaworo Lokoja. Chief Imam of Lokoja, Sheikh Aminu Sha’aban assisted by Sheikh Abubakar Adamu…

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